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I'm really pleased to have this photograph commended in the landscape photographer of the year 2013 awards organized by Take a view. Its won a place in the Awards book which will be published towards the end of October. In addition, it will appear in print at the National Theatre, London. The exhibition is free and runs from 7th December 2013 until the 8th February 2014.

So here we are, a new era. Kara and I have returned from a soul refreshing trip that lasted over 10 months in another world. It’s now but a memory. But it’s safe to say that those moments will put a smile on our faces when we look back in reflection. If you’re toying with the idea of going traveling, weather it be a year or a couple of months away, I couldn’t support your decision to do so enough. It’s a well-known thing to go see parts of the world, but really, save hard, it’s so worth it.

While on our travels we witness breathtakingly beautiful vistas with plenty of photographic opportunities, I can only hope my photographs illustrate these views. When I was in the field behind the lens, I wanted everyone to be by my side. To see Mother Nature at her best, to be able to spin around 360 degrees and take it all in, that’s what landscape photography is to me, Simply being there. But of course getting everyone in the same place would be a lot of work, getting them all out of bed at 5 in the morning would be the next hurdle. 

So far I’ve managed to process finger and toes worth of photographs, but I’ve a huge album from this trip that I hopefully see myself dipping into for years to come. As you may have noticed a new website has been made to showcase them on, injecting a bit of colour and a change in design has lifted the site we think, it doesn’t have to be all black and white.

The uploading of photographs has started but if you would like to hear about the updates without checking the website then hit up the “Become a Facebook Fan” tab at the bottom of this entire and follow to like. After all I think most people now type in Facebook as soon as they connect. So why not get instant updates that way too :)

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